Information Does Not Guarantee Insight: How to Use the Competitive Intelligence That you Gather.

Information Does Not Guarantee Insight: How to Use the Competitive Intelligence That you Gather.

In 2017, there is no shortage of companies who gather competitive intelligence. Organizations are spending more money and time digging in to the factors, both internal and external that have the power to affect their success and longevity. What may surprise you though, is the reality that many companies don’t use this information systematically to influence their decision-making. In reality, most organizations base their most important decisions on internal operational factors like budget, execution capacity and deadlines, ignoring the potential activities of their competitors.

Is Your Company An Industry Leader? 6 Ways To Tell!

Is Your Company An Industry Leader? 6 Ways To Tell!

Most organizations aspire to be known as an industry leader. After all, being known as the leading authority on your marketplace implies a certain level of quality and builds trust with your audience and peers. Many organizations will say that they lead and don’t follow but how do they know if this is true?

Could CI Have Saved RadioShack, Sears & AOL?

Could CI Have Saved RadioShack, Sears & AOL?

In the anthology of business stories, there is no shortage of Davids who rose above the Goliaths victorious. We are all too familiar with the Davids-turned-Goliaths like Apple, Google and Amazon. We study them at length while millions of startups look to emulate them on their path to success. We don't however; spend a much time trying to understand the fall of the once-upon-a-time-Goliaths. Buzzkill? Maybe. But their stories are packed with valuable intel, lessons and mistakes that can teach all of us how to run better organizations.

Attracting International Students – An untapped Opportunity to Grow Atlantic Canada’s Talent Pool

Attracting International Students – An untapped Opportunity to Grow Atlantic Canada’s Talent Pool

The aging population and the inability to attract enough new Canadians is posing serious problems to businesses.  All levels of government are ramping up the focus and efforts to address this problem, and increasingly a variety of economic development stakeholders are joining in the effort.  International students are becoming an interesting and crucial option - they bring tremendous social, economic and cultural benefits to Canada and attracting and retaining greater numbers of immigrants, and leveraging that potential maybe the answer to addressing our growing talent gap.

5 Lessons On Business In New York From Shaaz Nasir

5 Lessons On Business In New York From Shaaz Nasir

Last Wednesday, Global Affairs Canada joined us in hosting a session with Shaaz Nasir at the Venn Centre. Trade Commissioner at the Canadian Consulate in New York, Mr. Nasir delivered real advice for companies looking to expand into the New York market.

If you’re looking to grow your business, NYC is an exciting option. Shaaz shared valuable insights to ensure that companies prepare themselves for success.